A good majority of you know how to make mashed potatoes. Here is how to veganize the process and throw in a delicious little curveball.
2 potatoes
2 cloves of garlic
several dashes of dried rosemary or a small handfull of fresh sprigs
1/2 cup soy/almond milk
1/2 cup margarine
generous dashes of salt and pepper
Cube and boil the potatoes (skin on is my preference)while garlic cloves are roasting in the oven at 450. The garlic just needs to be in there until it starts to get golden brown, five minutes should do it. Mix potatoes and all other ingredients by hand (workout!) or with a mixer (quicker!) until it is to your desired texture.
People may not the creaminess and wonder who it could be vegan. Tell them vegan food is awesome.